April 28 is fast approaching! Come out and help us celebrate the launch of this series with a warm welcome to our first visiting author and two of our own!

Garry Thomas Morse is the author of five poetry titles and four fiction titles, notably Governor General’s Award poetry finalist Discovery Passages about his ancestral Kwakwaka’wakw First Nations myth, history, and fallout of the potlatch ban. Morse’s latest poetry title Prairie Harbour features a long poem set in Saskatchewan, and includes an interlude about fur trade history in Manitoba. He currently resides in Winnipeg.

Glenda Walker-Hobbs helped co-found the Flin Flon Writers Guild and serves as its secretary. She is a member of the Saskatchewan and Manitoba Writers Guilds. She is co-facilitator of The Advanced Poets Group at Writers Village University. She has published seven books of poetry, most recently Shadows to Sunlight and has had prose and poetry published in various anthologies. She currently has two poetry books and two novels in progress.

Kevin Imrie was born in Flin Flon, MB and raised in the neighbouring town of Creighton, SK. A long-time musician, Kevin developed a passion for writing in his early twenties, moving sporadically from poetry to short fiction. He has studied at the University of Saskatchewan, and is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Education at the University College of the North in The Pas, MB.
(updated April 20)